The word quitting usually reminds of us a negative thoughts. We think of quotes such as "quitters never win and winners never quit".
Even when quitting is a good thing, we still don't like to admit to quitting. If a smoker is quitting, that means they are still smoking. When they have quit smoking, then it becomes a positive, but the process of quitting is tough for us.
There's a line from the movie American Gangster that caught my attention. In the movie, the drug lord's supplier in Vietnam wisely remarked that quitting when ahead is not the same thing as quitting.
How true.
Seth Godin devoted an entire book on quitting called The Dip. One of the basic ideas in the book looks at how we continue down a roads that we know will be dead ends. We continue to travel that road in hope that it will change. We do so because we fear quitting.
The famous joke about the guy and the doctor give us a great example. Hey doctor, it hurts when I do this. What does the doctor say? Don't do that.
What are you doing that is hurting you? Why won't you quit? What do you need to do in order to gain the strength to stop doing what is taking you down a dead end road?